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    Page Navigation Plugin

    —- plugin —- description: Displays links to the next or previous alphabetically ordered page author : Andreas Gohr email : dokuwiki@cosmocode.de type : syntax lastupdate : 2019-08-21 compatible : 2009-12-25+, greebo depends : conflicts : similar : docnavigation tags : navigation, menu, namespace

    downloadurl: https://github.com/cosmocode/pagenav/zipball/master bugtracker : https://github.com/cosmocode/pagenav/issues sourcerepo : https://github.com/cosmocode/pagenav donationurl:

    screenshot_img : plugin:pagenav.png

    This plugin inserts a next/previous page navigation to let your users easily navigate through all pages in a namespace. The namespace's start page will be skipped on browsing. The page order is determined alphabetically.

    Download and Installation

    A CosmoCode Plugin

    Search and install the plugin using the Extension Manager. Refer to Plugins on how to install plugins manually.


    Syntax and Usage

    The simplest usage is this:


    It will include a navigation bar to browse through all pages in a namespace, displaying all buttons as shown above.

    To control which buttons are shown, you can place a number inside the angle brackets:


    The following numbers are recognized:

    number shown buttons
    2 previous, next
    4 first, last
    6 first, previous, next, last
    8 start
    10 previous, start, next
    12 first, start, last

    If you want to restrict browsing on pages matching a certain regular expression you can give the expression separated by a space inside the square brackets. E.g. to browse only pages starting with a you could use this:

    [<> ^a.*]


    The navigation is cached with the page. When new pages are added to the namespace, the navigation might be wrong until the cache expires. Read caching on how to update the cache manually.

    You can now use this plugin inside a sidebar (for templates that have one). To make it work in a sidebar you have to disable caching for that sidebar completely using the ~~NOCACHE~~ macro in the sidebar page. You should also make sure the sidebar is set up to be hidden through the hidepages option.

    Using this plugin together with namespace templates might be useful.

    page_navigation_plugin.txt · 最后更改: 2019/12/07 21:07 (外部编辑)